Press Release

El Fasher is bleeding, but clinics are overwhelmed and lacking supplies.

Press Release

El Fasher is bleeding, but clinics are overwhelmed and lacking supplies.

El Fasher is bleeding, but clinics are overwhelmed and lacking supplies. There are no gauzes left to treat wounds and cardboard is being used to splint broken legs.

Mark Atterton, Regional Director at Relief International says,

“After being under relentless siege for nearly three months, El Fasher is bleeding. The maternity hospital was targeted again on Sunday causing casualties among medical staff. Medical support in the city has totally collapsed and people with injuries are being transported to Zamzam for treatment.

“Over the weekend our facilities received more than 50 people with critical injuries and this number continues to increase. Our team are working around the clock but there are many casualties who still need support.

“Currently we have to suspend ambulance movement after dark because it is too hazardous, but we’re resuming at first light to retrieve people from El Fasher.

“Unfortunately due to the severe lack of surgical supplies, treating people with more serious or complex injuries is almost impossible. For instance, we have no gauzes left to treat wounds and there is no option but to use cardboard to splint broken legs. Our colleagues are delivering the best level of care they can, but more supplies are needed urgently.

“Heavy rains are causing significant concern about waterborne diseases, and the situation is being worsened even further by conflicting parties confiscating supplies and blocking cross-border and cross-line deliveries.

“The abject horror being inflicted on the people of Sudan must stop. We continue to call for an immediate ceasefire and the rapid deployment of supplies. Without these actions, countless more innocent lives are at risk.”



About Relief International  

Relief International is operating 31 health and nutrition facilities in North Darfur, including five in Zamzam camp.  

Relief International is an international non-profit organization that partners with communities impacted by conflict, climate change and disaster to save lives, build greater resilience and promote long-term health and wellbeing. Our team of more than 7,000 staff and local volunteers work in 15 countries across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, providing Health and Nutrition, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), Education and Livelihoods programming that creates the foundation for community resilience. We do this by working with local actors to develop safe and inclusive local programming that is evidence based, conflict sensitive, climate smart, and reaches those in need. 

For more information, please contact [email protected].