Media Release

Northern Gaza: “There is no neurosurgeon, vascular surgeon or pulmonary surgeon in the north, and any injury in these areas will result in amputation or death.”

Media Release

Northern Gaza: “There is no neurosurgeon, vascular surgeon or pulmonary surgeon in the north, and any injury in these areas will result in amputation or death.”

For the past 17 days, Northern Gaza has been under violent siege. Approximately 400,000 people have been forced to evacuate their homes, with only a few families managing to cross Wadi Gaza into the south. Thousands in Jabalia remain trapped.

Civilians continue to be killed and severely wounded, many tragically buried beneath rubble. Conditions are unbearable without enough shelter, food and water.

In Jabalia, which is under ceaseless bombardment, Relief International-France is supporting Al-Awda hospital. With the influx of patients and trauma cases, the hospital is running out of medicine, fuel and other life-saving supplies.

A spokesperson for Al-Awda hospital says, “There are only three hospitals in the north of Gaza and huge numbers of staff have been forced to flee. There is no neurosurgeon, vascular surgeon or pulmonary surgeon in the north, and any injury in these areas will result in amputation or death.”

In addition to many medical professionals being forced to flee northern Gaza, over 1,000 have been killed since last October. Despite evacuation orders, Al-Awda staff have chosen to stay to help people in critical need. They are sleeping at the hospital overnight as there are no safe spaces to shelter.

The spokesperson continues, “At the Al-Awda hospital, we are in a constant state of fear. Fear of being targeted, fear of being forced to evacuate and fear of the electricity and critical medical supplies running out completely.”

Being local, many staff at the Al-Awda facilities have been displaced multiple times themselves and are deeply traumatized, but they keep going – dedicated to continuing to help their communities.

At the same time, Relief International is facing massive challenges transporting critically needed aid into northern Gaza. Shipments of medicine and equipment were due to arrive at the Al-Awda hospital this month, however the items were not delivered due to the border crossings at Erez West and Erez Crossing/Beit Hanoun being closed.



The situation took yet another disastrous turn over the weekend when the last partially functioning hospitals in the North were attacked. The Al-Awda hospital was targeted on Saturday morning and Kamal Adwan and the Indonesian hospitals in nearby Beit Lahiya were also shelled. At least 120 people were tragically killed and many more injured.

Commenting on the attack on the Al-Awda hospital, Craig Redmond, CEO at Relief International says, “The impact is beyond words. Within just one hour, 70 patients were transported to Al-Awda’s emergency unit. Hospital staff were injured. Close to 30 dead people were brought to the hospital.

“Remaining staff at the Al-Awda hospital say they are unable to keep up with the amount of patients and trauma cases. There is a high number of people with third-degree burns and not enough supplies to treat them. Outside injured people are being shot at in the streets, preventing them from reaching the hospital for treatment.

“The horror and suffering the people of Gaza are facing must stop. We cannot stress this enough. We demand an urgent and peaceful resolution. It is vital that healthcare and health staff are protected, and that facilities including Al-Awda hospital, remain operational.

“We call on all parties for an immediate and permanent ceasefire; to protect all civilians, health workers and health facilities; to provide safe, unimpeded, and sustained humanitarian access, and to respect international humanitarian law. This living nightmare must end.”

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Relief International-France in the occupied Palestinian territories  

With support from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), Relief International is expanding the capacity of Al-Awda’s Hospitals in Jabalia and Nuseirat, as well as supplying essential resources. Since August, Al-Awda’s facilities have reached 2000 people with secondary health services, including general and trauma surgery, reproductive healthcare and treatment for moderate and severe acute malnutrition. Whilst the situation remains unpredictable, it is certain that the impact of this war will be lasting. In the long-term, Relief International is committed to working with Al-Awda to restore health facilities in Gaza, and to support the health and wellbeing of the people of Palestine. 

About Relief International 

Relief International is an international non-profit organization that partners with communities impacted by conflict, climate change and disaster to save lives, build greater resilience and promote long-term health and wellbeing. Our team of more than 7,000 staff and local volunteers work in 15 countries across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, providing Health and Nutrition, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), Education and Livelihoods programming that creates the foundation for community resilience. We do this by working with local actors to develop safe and inclusive local programming that is evidence based, conflict sensitive, climate smart, and reaches those in need.  

About EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid 

The European Union and its Member States are among the world’s leading donors of humanitarian aid. Relief assistance is an expression of European solidarity with people in need all around the world. It aims to save lives, prevent and alleviate human suffering, and safeguard the integrity and human dignity of populations affected by disasters and human-induced crises. Through the Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations of the European Commission, the European Union helps millions of victims of conflict and disasters every year. With headquarters in Brussels and a global network of field offices, the EU provides assistance to the most vulnerable people on the basis of humanitarian needs. 


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