How We Work

Measuring Progress

Accountability is the driving force of Relief International’s efforts to measure our impact. We’re committed to monitoring, evaluating, and learning from our projects throughout their life cycle. These processes equip us to practice adaptive management, and, ultimately, to learn from our mistakes and correct course if a project is not optimally meeting the needs of the communities we serve.

We monitor where activities occur, who delivers them, and how many people they reach, in addition to qualitative measures that offer a fuller picture of the impacts of our services.

We use the data gathered to conduct evaluations at fixed intervals in the project. The purpose of the evaluations is to determine if we’re on track to reach the stated objectives and if we’re seeing any unintended outcomes from our activities.

Relief International approaches learning as an iterative process that’s carried out within and between projects. In the complex and uncertain environments where we work, learning is essential to our ability to remain adaptive and flexible. We remain open as an organization to internalizing lessons learned and recommendations that emerge from internal and external evaluations and audits.